
Mary Maka’s work is inextricably linked with nature and mythology. The artist explores the mythologies of different cultures and their connection with the forest. Mary Maka created an animation for a musical piece based on the story of an African woman, Eyo, who finds herself in the Endless Forest. The mystical creatures she meets represent her fears and doubts. She goes through this forest to wake up free from her fears. A spatial musical piece called “Coven” by Roman Klaudo, inspired by Mary’s project and a novel by Amos Tutuola, creates a soundscape of a coven of forest spirits in Mary Maka’s magical Endless Forest. The audiovisual performance was presented at the TUMO center Dilijan, Armenia and at an exhibition at KC Dorćol in Belgrade, Serbia.

Illustration & Animation: Mary Maka
Music: Roman Klaudo
Photo: Arina Borevich